So, you have just launched a new website and you are trying to promote your business online. Don’t know where to start with? Here are a few tips to help you kick-start your website’s popularity and increase its traffic by letting more people know about your website.
Giving your website’s address on your emails can let people know more about you which in turn may help you in way to get website traffic as well as potential leads.
Listing your business in Google My Business is an ultimate way to increase your website’s exposure in the search engine. You can do this for free of cost! In addition to adding contact information, Google My Business [formerly Google Places] will also allow you to include photos, updates about your business which helps potential customers to rate your business!
Since you are a starter, try advertising your business with Google & Bing Ads. It brings quality leads to your website directly from search engines. The working concept of Pay per Click (PPC) is simple: You pay for every click your ad gets in the search engine and you optimize your ad eventually so that its converts the user into your customer. This technique brings you impeccable amount of returns on your investment.
Your company’s social media page is a great source to invite people to connect with you and visit your website to become your fans or customers. You can post your company’s events, new products, or promote your business by posting links to your website address to drive social media traffic to your website.
Though many brands are switching to visual infographics, content is still where is at! Quality content is always a priority for any company to build trust, develop brand and gaining reputation. Content is still king and it will continue to reign in connecting with clients. According to a recent survey of Content Marketing Institute, almost 80% of the business decision-makers prefer getting company information through series of articles on company’s blog rather than advertisements.
Sending Email Newsletters is one of the simplest ways to maintain relationship with your customers (subscribers) through interesting content that drives traffic to your website. Email marketing helps you engage with your potential clients as well as the existing customers that encourage them to visit your website on a regular basis to see your latest updates (contests, discounts on products/services, insider information or more).
Hope these small business marketing ideas can help you promote your new launched website at a fast pace! Do you have any other ideas? How do you usually promote your website? Let us know your tips in the comments section!